Iron deficiency can affect the performance and endurance of a professional athlete or hobbyist. n.


Iron deficiency can affect the performance and endurance of a professional athlete or hobbyist. Therefore, it is advisable to keep an eye on your iron stores if you experience symptoms of iron deficiency.

Athletes should monitor their iron stores

Iron deficiency can affect the performance and endurance of a professional athlete or hobbyist. Therefore, it is advisable to keep an eye on your iron stores if you experience symptoms of iron deficiency.

Note these warning signs of iron deficiency

The most typical warning signs of iron deficiency include the following symptoms:

• Constant fatigue
• Weakness
• Headache
• Fragile nails, hair loss, and pale skin
• Dizziness
• Shortness of breath
• Recurrent colds
• Inability to concentrate
• Cold hands and feet

Why is iron lost during exercise?

All of us athletes - both professionals and hobbyists - need iron because we lose it through sweating and physical stress on the cells. During exercise, iron is needed not only for a good hemoglobin level but also for the energy metabolism of cells, which can be disrupted in cases of iron deficiency, and thus, development does not occur.

All athletes can be susceptible to iron deficiency

All athletes can be susceptible to iron deficiency, but especially women suffer from this more than men. Women lose a lot of blood during menstruation, and this alone makes them susceptible to iron deficiency. The risk increases especially for women with heavy menstrual periods. However, all athletes are at risk of iron deficiency because an athlete's iron requirement is higher than normal. Intensive and heavy training increases the need for iron due to increased vascular, red blood cell mass, and hemoglobin.

When should an athlete consider iron supplementation?

Iron is a very important mineral for an athlete's performance and plays a crucial role in oxygen transport in the body. If your own iron levels are low, diet alone may not be enough to raise them. Iron supplements can provide amounts that cannot be obtained from diet alone. BlueIron's products support athletes when extra iron is needed. Our products are easily portable even in an active lifestyle and blend seamlessly with your own diet.